Sale and its Strategies in Pars Ethylene Kish
Sales and Marketing
Selling polyethylene pipe is a complex and effective process. Success in this work needs technical and expert skills and also communication and interaction skill. In contrary with common beliefs, selling is not forcing customer to buy, but salesperson is a communication ring of organization with customer that Pars Ethylene Kish tires to understand the need of customer and for correct selection, guides the customer and finally, can attract trust of the customer and all this work is done by marketing and sale management and experts of Pars Ethylene Kish such that it leads to loyalty of customers.
In fact, one of the important and key goals of the Pars Ethylene Kish Company for sale and marketing is customer-orientation and paying attention to customer satisfaction. It is worthy to mentioned that satisfaction of customers is not enough alone but it is important that customer become loyal.
Finally, message of Pars Ethylene Kish is retaining and loyalty of customer and sale is a type of communication and in fact, the purpose is not sale but is focus on the relationship with customer which is done by sale management-marketing and experts.
Marketing and sale advancement
Today, marketing should not be considered as old concept of selling product, but this should mean meeting the needs of customers. If marketer can understand needs of customer, he will produce products which have high value; pricing, promotion and advertisement are useful ways for selling the products. Therefore, sale and advertisement are only a part of marketing mix. Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups can meet their needs through production, development, exchange and respect to others. On the other hand, Pars Ethylene Kish Company believes that good planning is necessary for success. Marketing plan is a roadmap that describes all strategies, tactics, activities, costs and results in a time interval. This program focuses on the certain goals and it is a necessary source for company and customers of this company.
Sale Advancement
From Pars Ethylene Kish view, sale advancement provides suitable accountability for customer. In other words, every short-term or middle-term activity which develops added value for customer is advancement of Pars Ethylene Kish Company. One marketing tool and promotion policy is
personal sale. Sale is a two-way communication. One way is personal communication between representative of the company and potential customer and second way, is returning customer to company. Duty of Pars Ethylene Kish Company is understanding the needs of customer and conform it to products and encourage customer to buy. Effective personal sale in our country needs desired relationship with customer. Global markets have challenges because buyer and seller have different cultures. Face to face methods are very important in selling industrial products and Pars Ethylene Kish has considered this as its goal.
Sale process has different steps that importance of each step is different depending on the country.
1-search or finding customer
2-pre-contact with customer
3-contact with customer
5-problem solving
6-resolving claims
7-closig contracts and after-sale follow up
Pars Ethylene Kish and its experienced salesperson know that presence in the market is one of the required tactics for enjoying orders. Two other steps are contact with customer and display which include meeting between seller and buyer. In final sale, identification of culture and norms are necessary. In some countries, buyer needs criteria of seller. Salesperson should answer the questions of buyer.
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