Prefabricated Polyethylene Manholes
The Introduction of Polyethylene Manholes
Now a day , sewage cumulating is a very Important mattering this regard, great efforts have been made to the implementation of sewage projects faster

and also improve the quality of performance.
Polyethylene products, such as polyethylene manholes, instead concrete one , polyethylene pipe in lieu of PVC pipes are those which are make the quality of installation perfect and faster.
Pars Ethylene Kish manholes have the best Polyethylene raw material and best design compared with the similar ones.
This Manholescan be used in oil , gas, Petrochemical , power house, industries and also urban transmission lines.
PE Manhole Specifications:
- High Speed Installation
- Adjustable Height
- Adjustable secondary height
- No Need for Cranes
- Ability to run on different pipes
- Ability to Install the branch Directly

- Resist The Dynamic and Static Pressure
- Low Weight
- The Lack of Corrosion
- Wear Resistance
- Impact Resistance
- The elasticity
- Resistance to microorganisms termites and remove harmful insects
- Recycling
- Resistant to UV radiation
- Per cost Manholes also called Polyethylene Manholes
Pars Ethylene Kish Produced manholes by technology of rotary Molding, with Polyethylene raw Material.