Polyethylene water pipe fittings
Polyethylene water pipe fittings are usually manufactured with two simple ends. Thus, in order to establish a connection between the two lengths, it is necessary to connect one simple end of a length to the simple end of the other with a fitting.
Polyethylene water pipe fittings should not be carried out inside the trench. The fairly large length of multiple lengths of pipes fused outside the trench will provide sufficient flexibility, with which it can be partly inserted into the trench, and keep the end of it to connect to the other lengths outside the trench.In order to perform the correct fusion, it is essential to observe the following principles and criteria:

The various methods used to Polyethylene water pipe fittings, accessories and taps, are as follows:
Thermal butt (butt fusion)
Thermal bushing
Rubber gasket latching
Polyethylene water pipe
Polyethylene water pipe and multi-layer pipes are part of an innovative offering specifically engineered for the safe distribution of potable and non potable water for pipe systems above and below ground. Since 1965, we have developed a range of flexible and smart Polyethylene water pipe solutions designed for new pipeline installations, rehabilitation or replacement of existing pipelines.
One of the many benefits of Polyethylene water pipe is that they can be fused together to form a fully welded one piece end load bearing pipeline, overcoming the need for pipeline restraints, such as concrete anchor blocks. The longevity and outstanding properties of polyethylene, which include flexibility, durability, smooth internal bore which increases the hydraulic characteristics of pipes, have made it the material of choice for specifiers, water companies and contractors, for their drinking water and raw water pipeline projects.
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